Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Short or long nails for my wedding?

Nails on fingers and toes should be presentable if not perfect on the wedding day.  There is great importance in nail care that is pedicure and manicure, because glamour can be tapped in this regard. The pictures will certainly look to capture all major aspects of beauty and nails are certainly one of those areas. Looking elegant and glamorous through nails is very much possible. Some people will struggle to decide on short or long nails for the wedding.  Many experts have agreed that the shorter the nails, the more manageable they are.

However, it will all boil down to personal preference and taste. Long nails can be optimized for the wedding and look exceptionally elegant. The same goes for short nails. Probably a few rules of thumb that need to be observed with this regard are mentioned here. To have excellent wedding day nails, steer clear of cutting cuticles or any other rough skin around the nails. The work of hand moisturizers is exactly this. Allow for softening through creams instead of interfering with natural nail growth. This will also prevent breakage and split of nails.

Before considering the nail art for the wedding, start early on with moisturizing to condition the nails to their full potential. The other thing to do is to have a pallet that is suitable. Let it blend or match with gowns or chosen accessories. Some people will opt for light shades while others are not shy to go all out in bright. Skin tones will play a critical role to determine whether the colors are ideal. Experiment and see which pallets suit best for the nail art for the big day. Whether the nails are short or long, French manicure will also deliver excellence. Give extra attention to the toes so as to have a uniformly attractive look with nails. 

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