Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lip Make-up and Lip care

The lips are a prominent feature on the face and should be made up appropriately for a complete and attractive look. On the wedding day the lips are a focal point at some point when the groom is asked to kiss his bride. It is therefore important for the bride to make sure that her lips are kissable as she gets married by preparing before hand. She should keep up the routine throughout the marriage to keep the flames burning. It is important to exfoliate the lips regularly and this is easily done using a toothbrush gently. This is because the skin on the lips is very delicate and may break easily when harshly handled. This delicate skin is also exposed and must be kept moisturized always as dry lips crack and can be quite unsightly and painful.

A well made-up face must include due attention to the lips. A good smile is hampered by unkempt, dry lips. After exfoliating, the lips must be moisturized using a suitable lip balm or just plain petroleum jelly which should keep the lips moist and not dry them out. Chemicals will dry out the lips, so the lip balm should be as free from these as possible. Make-up can be used to create different effects and for different occasions and these includes make-up for lips too. Bridal lips for the wedding day differ from lips made-up for the office or a party. Lip liner is the next basic lip make-up that is used to define the lips. This is applied at the edges of the lips to give them a more character. The colour of the liner should match the colour of lip gloss or lipstick to be worn over it.

Lip make-up can also be used to create the effect of fuller or thinner lips depending on the wearer. To achieve fuller lips, it is recommended to use a lighter shade of lip make-up and a darker shade for the effect of thinner lips. People with very thin lips opt for collagen enhanced or inducing lip make-up that gives them fuller lips. This is a much cheaper option than the painful collagen injections. Once the lip liner has been applied, lipstick in the desired colour that complements the skin colour is then applied. This is best applied using a brush for an even distribution. Sometimes two shades are applied for a classier look.

Application of lip gloss is the next step. This may be clear or a colour that matches the lip liner and lipstick. It helps to add sheen to the lips, making the colour stand out and also to set the lipstick so that it does not run. Lip gloss can be applied on its own without the lipstick for a more toned-down effect. Clear lip gloss is ideal for the effect of fuller lips. Keeping to such a routine of lip care and make-up for the married keeps the lips kissable throughout, which is a plus for any marriage.

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