Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tips on Maintaining Good Health after Marriage

Good health gives vitality and health and this leads to success in the workplace, in relationships, and in other aspects of life. If you are a newlywed couple, you should not quit exercising just because you have found your soul mate. There are many ways to die, but people today tend to choose the same 4 ways every time. Suicidal lifestyles such as poor diet, lack of exercise, overindulgence in drugs, and obesity are the major killers today. To maintain a healthy body, you should stay hydrated. This is because much of our brain and body consist of water. Water is also important because it flushes out toxins and it assimilates nutrients from the foods we ingest. Water also hydrates the skin, preventing drying and premature wrinkling. Note that consuming soda and other drinks does not eliminate the need for water. If you do not like plain water, you can throw in fresh mint or a fresh lemon for flavor.

To maintain a healthy body, you should take a balanced diet. For vitamins, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. For carbohydrates, eat whole grains because processed foods do not have the much needed fiber and it leads to fat accumulation. For proteins, avoid red meat as much as possible – opt for fish and white meat. A balanced diet is important because it leaves you feeling energized and it reduces the risk of obesity. Breakfast should be the biggest portion of the day and you should avoid eating just before sleep. You take many small portions throughout the day to give your body time to process the food and to absorb nutrients.

To maintain your health, you should maintain healthy relationships. The relationships should be supportive and stress free. Healthy relationships are important because they reduce anxiety and they give you a positive outlook. It is no secret that stress has a direct effect on our health. You should avoid stress at your workplace and you should take some time off to do what you love whenever you can. Hangout with pals or rent a comedy whenever you are feeling stressed.

You should exercise regularly to maintain a healthy body. You do not even need to join a gym – simply taking the stairs to your office or walking to work is enough. Joining a gym or exercising is particularly important if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and as you age. Exercise will slow down your body’s physical deterioration, meaning you will age better, it will burn off calories, and it will improve your body image. Your exercising should incorporate aerobics, strength training, and flexibility workouts.

To maintain good health, take in some early morning or late evening sunshine. This gives you the much-needed vitamin D, which is needed if your body is to absorb calcium. The sun is also important in that it releases endorphins from the pituitary gland, which make you feel good and energized. You should floss regularly because brushing your teeth does not remove all the plaque. You should sleep as many hours as possible to give your body and your mind time to rejuvenate. Finally, you should go for regular checkups for early detection of diseases. 


Unknown said...

Thank you for the wisdom we always overlook,yet our future is tied to it. Healthy living is a must!

Thitu Kariba said...

indeed it is and thank you for your comment. Pls do follow the blog and check out the other posts we would love your feedback