Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Make up – one area where less is more is true

Make up and all things beautification on the face are one area where less is more. A heavily made up face makes one look either like they are on stage acting or like a person of questionable morals. In the case of the one who looks like they are on a stage acting, people generally will tend to wonder who the real you is under all the make up. Even if you are shy, there is a strengthening way to build a likeable personality and it is not through hiding your true self behind a caked up appearance and make up. The proper use of make up is to enhance your appearance to enhance certain strong points of your looks to make them look ravishing.

One common item under make up is lipstick. When we talk about enhance and lipstick, the intention is not to make one's lips look larger than they really are neither is it intended to drag all the attention off your eyes and onto your lips. The intention is to give your face an overall balanced look. If your lipstick is stealing the show on your face, then you are overdoing it. The rule of thumb for selecting a good shade of lipstick to work with your skin color is to choose darker shades for darker skin and lighter shades on lighter and fairer skin.

The other use of lipstick is as a protective cover from the sun and the elements; wind and cold. Lips are sensitive skin, constantly exposed to sun, heat and cold, a good lipstick will help protect them. When purchasing a stick of lipstick look for one that will add moisture to your lips. Most cosmetic and make up shops will have a trained attendant or a person who understands beauty and they will help you select a product that works for you and your skin color.

Skin care
A healthy and glowing skin is one the easiest ways for a woman to keep looking beautiful for years. Whereas there is a whole range of beauty products intended to bring out that glow, the most basic of skin care remedies is diet and that is quite simple. There are only three rules of good diet no matter how many versions you hear it. They are; get plenty of water, eat plenty of fruits, and keep a healthy percentage of roughage in your regular diet. These three will naturally deal with common skin care challenges like acne and dry skin.

However, there is an additional place for beauty therapies. Skin creams that moisturize your skin will enhance the already existing glow to your healthy skin. If you live in an environment that has plenty of sunshine, choose a skin cream that will give you the added value of a sun-screen. This will protect your skin for longer as the sun is a strong ageing factor. That said, keeping your skin clean is a sure way to keep your skin glowing and looking healthy.

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