Friday, December 3, 2010

Of well groomed nails – a little attention can make huge fashion statement

A woman walks in and she is looking absolutely fabulous and then she gets near you and she has dirt beneath her nails. It is a major anticlimax that says she does not take care of herself and immediately your view of her personality drops. To keep yourself looking fabulous, you do not need to always have expensive manicures and pedicures, you can work with simple routine checks. However, for the slightly extended beauty look do go out and pamper yourself with a manicure.

A simple manicure will at least have one element; to have your nail polish done. A professionally done manicure will trim and shape your nails, finish off with a good filing, and then apply the nail polish. If you have weak and breaking nails, then your nail specialist can recommend that you use a nail polish that has nail enamel. Nail art, can help you achieve a more glamorous look. In nail art, less design can come off looking very suave. However, if your nail art specialist is really good, they can do wonderful work befitting the word nail art.

Another area of a basic manicure would be to add artificial finger nails. These are especially good when you are set to attend a function and your natural nails were either recently trimmed or chipped. A nail specialist will help to put these on in a professional way that will not damage your own nails.

To always keep your nails looking fabulous here are simple tips:

·    Always keep your nails free of dirt as this looks absolutely tacky and untidy. For easy cleaning, keep a rounded off tooth pick in your hand bag, or invest in the nail picker from your nearest cosmetic shop.
·    If you do wash dishes as most married women likely will, then use dish washing gloves, or keep to lighter shades of nail-polish. Chipped nail polish looks terrible and it shows more with the darker colors.
·    Plan to visit your nail specialist at least once a week. If you do not have the time and-or income, then learn to do your nail polish yourself – it is far from being rocket science.

Another fabulous way to keep yourself feeling pampered is to have a pedicure done. A basic pedicure will focus on beautifying your feet and application of nail polish on your toe nails will be a part of the routine. There are many women who keep fabulous finger nails, but with toe nails that look like they are related to some famous witch. This says you do not take care of your body in areas that are not seen by others. Such habits work very badly on your marriage as it exposes your spouse to that ugliness.

Toe nails are in fact easier to maintain than finger nails for they are not exposed to water as much. A routine work on your toe nails as you are getting your hair done should keep for weeks until the next visit to the beautician.  

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