Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tending to one's body is not just about health; but about lasting marriage

The healthy human body is one that we all prefer to interact with. Except for those in the medical profession and those that serve the health industry in some way, sickness, ill health and bodily discomfort mostly makes us very uncomfortable. That alone, if what you plan is to have a long lasting and invigorating marriage relationship, is enough reason to take care of your physical body judiciously. Realize that your spouse will be happier to interact with you when you are healthier and quit romanticizing life. No one feels the same loving emotions towards a sick person that they do towards a healthy one.

For some amazing reason, when many people get married and especially in the Christian fraternity, they live as though the part of 'sickness' is not only inevitable but to be invited speedily, and they adopt ill advised habits. To take care of your health has nothing to do with your spouse. It is in your personal interests as a living soul to have a healthy body because only then can you add value on the earth. Lifestyle sickness can be avoided; why wish it on yourself?  

Understand that there are certain unavoidable effects on your body that come as a part of marriage such as the weight that comes with child bearing and ageing. Since all these are predictable, you can plan how to deal with them long before they come to you. If you can work on that plan with your spouse it will help you to bond further. A healthy body will impact heavily on your sexual life too. If you are consistently tired, and unwilling to share in the building of your sexual intimacy with your spouse, you are exposing both of you to unhealthy outside influences. Make your food count towards strengthening your marriage. 

Here are a few tips on simple things that you can do to enhance and keep yourself healthier for longer. Watch what you eat because food is the one factor of health that you can never ever avoid. That is not the same as watching your weight. Furthermore, watching your diet is not a one off thing. Watching your diet is about taking your health and body so seriously, having recognized its value, that you plan your life consciously to integrate healthy eating into your daily routine. It is funny that people who integrate cleaning up and making sure their clothes are clean find it so hard to integrate a routine that keeps their inner body clean. Take time out accompanied by your spouse to speak with a nutritionist and put a detoxifying routine into your lifestyle.

Take up an exercise such as going to the gym and diet routine when you are well so that you can create the gym habits, and food tastes and flavors that work with you. Many people fail to create a healthy lifestyle because they convince themselves that healthy is hard and healthy food tastes horrible. It does not have to be if it is not 'forced' on you by sickness.

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