Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gym Selection before Marriage

They say that one loses weight automatically in the few months leading up to their wedding. This is attributed to the anxiety and the many preparations to be made before the big day. However, weight lose is not an indication of fitness and so exercising to keep fit and for optimum health should be embraced by the couple even before their marriage. Enrolling in a gym for working out is the most common and practical way of keeping fit. This is mostly due to convenience and also for accountability as starting a fitness regimen and sticking to it is usually a hurdle for most people. Gyms also offer expertise advice and training that will push the member to their goal, be it keeping fit or weight loss.

Getting Fit for the Wedding

The choice of gym to attend is dependent on one’s goals as outlined above and some gyms specialize in more of resistance training than others and so a careful choice must be made. As a first step, a list of all the expectations one requires in a gym should be made. This will help in narrowing down the choices and should be just as easy as making a list of expectations for the marriage’s future. Working out in a gym is also a great way to socialize and the bride and groom can start working out before they are married for bonding purposes. For this reason they must select a gym that will enable them to work out together both in terms of the facilities, accessibility and timing.

Most people prefer to work out either in the early morning or late evening, it is therefore important to check with the gym management if they will be open at the time that is most convenient for you. Once the couple is married, their time may not be as flexible and if necessary gym times may have to be adjusted. Find out from the gym if they make provisions for such changes. The gym staff has to be skilled and trained professionally for them to be of any help to the members. This will avoid accidents due to misguided instructions and in case of accidents they should be able to offer basic first aid without further injuring the member. The gym equipment should also be in good working condition at all times and available.

The cost of the gym membership is a crucial factor to consider for the wedding couple as they have important budgetary considerations for their life together. Find a gym that offers special rates for couples to counter any financial constraints against working out. Apart from the gym membership, the cost of travelling to and from the gym has to be considered so that the gym is as close as possible to either the home or the work place for convenience. Cleanliness is a must for a gym to be attractive and worth the membership fee so as to prevent unnecessary infections. Ultimately, the couple should consider investing in a home gym.

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