Monday, May 23, 2011

Desperate Housewives

Many times I look at some marriages and wonder what in the world the women are thinking. I myself have been in abusive relationships and I am sure many were looking in on my situation asking “why doesn’t she just leave him?”  When I used to watch desperate housewives, I was shocked and even ashamed at hour far we women could go to get and keep a man.  Today I have to say my eyes have been open and i hope that as you read this yours will be too.
After the fall of man from grace in the Garden of Eden, God dished out the consequences of their disobedience.  He said to the woman that her desire would be for her husband and he will rule over her.  Initially God created the male to rule and have dominion over the earth, he also gave him a woman to do that with, his equal. But after what they did, things changed, now the woman would be running all over doing all manner of desperate things to get and keep her man, while her man would be running around trying to conquer and rule over all things including his woman who now was no longer his equal.
It is not once I have heard a man say with such force and even a hint of threat in his voice that “ I am a man” I am the man” it is also not once that a man has referred to me simply as “ woman!”  if you think back to a time you have heard this you will find that it is often used when the man is trying to put the woman his her place, trying to show his authority and make a statement. These words mostly come as a finality, a nothing further to discuss and I have decided kind of way.  The woman on the other had will find herself doing all manner of things to please her man because she cannot bear the thought of him leaving her.  He could be battering her ( trying to rule her) and she will stay because she loves him and does not want to lose him. What makes this sad is that it is true.
God loved us so much that he sent his only son to redeem and return us to our original status and his original plan. Men in Christ do not feel the need to rule over their woman, they understand that they have been given the power to rule and have dominion once again over all the earth. Women in Christ know that they are a gem, that they are a suitable helper for the man God has given them, that it is in spirit that we catch and keep a man and not in flesh or in works. It is therefore important that as men and women we first be redeemed in Christ Jesus to our original selves and status before we then enter into a marriage. This way there will be the original harmony and way of life that Adam and Eve had. Their marriage was heaven on earth. It was mutual, equal not a competition and not a series of desperate measures brought about by competing with his work, boys, and other women for your man.

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