Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Writing Your Wedding Speech

Could there be anything more terrifying? For many people speaking in public is the ultimate fear while others consider being in the spotlight their rightful place and crave any audience. However most guys fear having to write and deliver a wedding speech.

Traditionally the Father of the Bride gives the first speech, during which he ends by toasting the happy couple. It also seems to be tradition for the Brides father to give the longest and dullest speech possible and talk for longer than the ceremony lasted. This can be easily avoided with a few simple tips. Second comes the Groom who will publicly thank the bridesmaids, ushers and acknowledge both sets of parents.  The Best Man’s speech is usually given 3rd and there is an expectation that this is the main act of what can sometimes be a rather dull part of proceedings. This speech will either be celebrated as the high point of the wedding or he’ll be removed bodily from the building by the bride’s angry brothers while the bride’s mother looks on scowling. The best man should not only mention the bride but he also answers on behalf of the bridesmaids and ushers for the kind words of the Groom.


At many weddings the father of the bride’s has been known to drag out a bit, well it’s only fair, he is the one that laid out all the cash so that a load of relatives he doesn’t like and strangers he’s never met and will probably never meet again can have a free meal and party at his expense. However there is no need for him to be dull and there is help at hand (see below). Most Grooms don’t prepare their speech and try to rush through it as quickly as possible, seeing as its his party the Groom can get away with delivering his speech however he chooses. The perfect wedding speech should last around 7 minutes.


Swearing is a big “no no”. Just don’t do it. Remember this will be a very mixed crowd.


Most of the time the real fun stuff comes from the Best Man however although he is there to ensure the groom gets a comedy roast what might seem really funny to a the Groom and his friends down the pub on a Friday night might not be the kind of thing that’s going to amuse the bride’s grandparents. If you are undecided about whether something is too close to the knuckle then its best to err on the side of caution.

The Basic Phases

All three of the wedding speeches can be broken down into phases, stick with this basic rules and you can’t go wrong. Here is an example of the Best Man’s speech phases.

  • Introduction. Introduce yourself and your relationship to the groom. This is a good place to try your first joke to relax yourself and your audience.
  • The formal bit. Reply on behalf of the bridesmaids, ushers, etc. Compliment the bride’s parents on the great day and their hospitality. And compliment the bride.
  • The Roast. A few gags or a relevant story at the groom’s expense.
  • Words of wisdom. Offer some words of advice or insights into marriage, this is a good place to deliver some killer jokes or quotes.
  • Time to be nice. Before you wrap up and now that you have given the groom such a hard time its then time to offer some sincerity and best wishes for the future.
  • Postman. Read out any messages or cards from those who couldn’t make it on the day.
  • Toast. Finish your speech by asking everyone to stand and raise their glasses to the newlyweds. This might have been done by the father of the bride but no one will mind toasting the happy couple a second time and it’s a great way to bring your speech to a close.

Speech Writing Services

The internet has numerous companies that offer to write your speech for you and while this may seem an easy option it isn’t a great idea. Firstly these “writers” don’t know you, everyone has a particular way of speaking and so there’s no way they can write for your speech patterns. Also they have never met the happy couple so how can they be qualified to speak to them? No matter whether you are the Father of the Bride, the Groom or the Best Man your speech should come from you.

If need be there are plenty of sites that can help providing you with a bonanza of one liners and ice breakers that you can weave into your speech without losing your own important words. But don’t be afraid to mix good humour with a hint of romance, there are many great quotes on love and marriage which can give your speech a touch of class. Let’s face it most guys have never had to write a speech before let alone ensure that it is littered with a few laughs to keep the crowd entertained.

Using databases to help bring your speech to life is a useful tip and can certainly fill in the blanks and give you some humorous hand grenades to throw when needed but keep in mind that ultimately it must be YOUR speech and YOUR words, it’s a special celebration and your chance to pay tribute to a couple who hold you in such high esteem.

Most of all don’t let the nerves get to you. A famous English comedian once commented that giving a wedding speech is a bit like making love to the queen, it’s a great honour but nobody really wants to do it. People recognise how hard it is to have to give a wedding speech, everyone at the wedding wants you to do a great job and so is on your side willing you to do well. So relax, enjoy and don’t let it give you too many sleepless nights. Stick to the basic rules and you will be celebrated as the hero of the hour. The Father of the Bride will have the adoration of his wife and beautiful daughter and admiration of his friends and relatives. The Groom will show why his new wife chose so wisely and be welcomed into the arms of his new family. For the Best Man…. Well get it right and you could well wind up with your pick of the bridesmaids!

For more expert tips and advice go to;

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Choosing a Short Wedding Dress

A wedding dress is a symbol of the bride’s style and personality. Traditional gowns incorporate trains and quite a number of limiting layers. The modern bride does not have to have a style and design that does not fit into her lifestyle as she starts hermarriage. The full length and bulky traditional wedding dress is being replaced and fast, with shorter and less limiting versions. They are considered to be trendy and especially flattering for those with beautiful long legs to showcase. The beauty of this short gown is that it can be worn by anyone regardless of their figure or height. There are however several factors to consider when choosing a short dress as one gets married:
  • A person with a small frame or of short stature will do well to choose a short dress as they getmarried as it will flatter their frame and figure. A traditional dress with its layers tends to overburden the person with a small frame.
  • The versatility of a short gown is one thing that makes it attractive indeed. It can be worn comfortably for the wedding ceremony, the reception and later in the evening as the couple and their guests get down till the break of dawn.
  • This short version of the gown can be made in a variety of styles too. Some long dresses come with a detachable bottom part to reveal a shorter dress after the solemn church marriageceremony.
  • A variety of the short dress is the tea length that is halfway between the full length and the knee length dress.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Desperate Housewives

Many times I look at some marriages and wonder what in the world the women are thinking. I myself have been in abusive relationships and I am sure many were looking in on my situation asking “why doesn’t she just leave him?”  When I used to watch desperate housewives, I was shocked and even ashamed at hour far we women could go to get and keep a man.  Today I have to say my eyes have been open and i hope that as you read this yours will be too.
After the fall of man from grace in the Garden of Eden, God dished out the consequences of their disobedience.  He said to the woman that her desire would be for her husband and he will rule over her.  Initially God created the male to rule and have dominion over the earth, he also gave him a woman to do that with, his equal. But after what they did, things changed, now the woman would be running all over doing all manner of desperate things to get and keep her man, while her man would be running around trying to conquer and rule over all things including his woman who now was no longer his equal.
It is not once I have heard a man say with such force and even a hint of threat in his voice that “ I am a man” I am the man” it is also not once that a man has referred to me simply as “ woman!”  if you think back to a time you have heard this you will find that it is often used when the man is trying to put the woman his her place, trying to show his authority and make a statement. These words mostly come as a finality, a nothing further to discuss and I have decided kind of way.  The woman on the other had will find herself doing all manner of things to please her man because she cannot bear the thought of him leaving her.  He could be battering her ( trying to rule her) and she will stay because she loves him and does not want to lose him. What makes this sad is that it is true.
God loved us so much that he sent his only son to redeem and return us to our original status and his original plan. Men in Christ do not feel the need to rule over their woman, they understand that they have been given the power to rule and have dominion once again over all the earth. Women in Christ know that they are a gem, that they are a suitable helper for the man God has given them, that it is in spirit that we catch and keep a man and not in flesh or in works. It is therefore important that as men and women we first be redeemed in Christ Jesus to our original selves and status before we then enter into a marriage. This way there will be the original harmony and way of life that Adam and Eve had. Their marriage was heaven on earth. It was mutual, equal not a competition and not a series of desperate measures brought about by competing with his work, boys, and other women for your man.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What to Wear on a Date

What we wear generally conveys a message on the type of person we are and the impression we intend to make on the person(s) we come across. The people we meet will get a certain idea of how we are thinking by the way we dress. Whether we are dressing for the office, a picnic with family, a night out with friends, a wedding or a date with a loved one, what we choose to wear matters a lot. When going out for a date, it is important to convey the correct message with no mixed signals by the way we dress. The first thing to consider is where the date is going to be and the kind of activities to be engaged in. A picnic on the mountains will require one to dress differently from a dinner date. A couple planning their wedding will choose their outfits carefully so as to make the event special.

Going out on a date is an opportunity for the couple to get to know more about each other before they get married. They maximize on enjoying each other’s company and being at ease as they do this. It is therefore important to wear something comfortable that will not be a distraction to either party. Above all the clothes should fit well. Consider trying out the outfit before hand on a separate occasion. Nothing is more uncomfortable than having to deal with ill-fitting clothes while trying to appear calm. The colours chosen should also correspond to the venue and date activities. A day at the beach requires cheerful, bright clothing that is lightweight enough so as not to be overbearing in the heat, while an intimate dinner at a classy restaurant may call for more toned down colours and designs.

As far as impressions go it is important to wear something that portrays who you are. A very expensive one-time buy that is not characteristic of you may give the impression that you are high maintenance while you are not. One’s true colours will ultimately be revealed as soon as marriage begins. The outfit one gets married in must also be comfortable. When clothes should not be a distraction, they should be appealing and add to your total thought-out look. When one is comfortable in their outfit they exude confidence.

One’s style and taste should not be compromised when they go out on a date. When this happens the whole event may be strained. A jeans and sneakers person may feel a little imposed on when they have to wear a formal suit for a date. It is important to keep to your individuality, but at the same time the venue and occasion must be considered. Once the couple is hitched, their individuality will be perpetuated throughout their marriage. Jeans and sneakers will not do in a chic restaurant, maybe for a movie and fast food date. Also wearing clothes that are too revealing especially for gives the impression of cheapness and loose morals.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lip Make-up and Lip care

The lips are a prominent feature on the face and should be made up appropriately for a complete and attractive look. On the wedding day the lips are a focal point at some point when the groom is asked to kiss his bride. It is therefore important for the bride to make sure that her lips are kissable as she gets married by preparing before hand. She should keep up the routine throughout the marriage to keep the flames burning. It is important to exfoliate the lips regularly and this is easily done using a toothbrush gently. This is because the skin on the lips is very delicate and may break easily when harshly handled. This delicate skin is also exposed and must be kept moisturized always as dry lips crack and can be quite unsightly and painful.

A well made-up face must include due attention to the lips. A good smile is hampered by unkempt, dry lips. After exfoliating, the lips must be moisturized using a suitable lip balm or just plain petroleum jelly which should keep the lips moist and not dry them out. Chemicals will dry out the lips, so the lip balm should be as free from these as possible. Make-up can be used to create different effects and for different occasions and these includes make-up for lips too. Bridal lips for the wedding day differ from lips made-up for the office or a party. Lip liner is the next basic lip make-up that is used to define the lips. This is applied at the edges of the lips to give them a more character. The colour of the liner should match the colour of lip gloss or lipstick to be worn over it.

Lip make-up can also be used to create the effect of fuller or thinner lips depending on the wearer. To achieve fuller lips, it is recommended to use a lighter shade of lip make-up and a darker shade for the effect of thinner lips. People with very thin lips opt for collagen enhanced or inducing lip make-up that gives them fuller lips. This is a much cheaper option than the painful collagen injections. Once the lip liner has been applied, lipstick in the desired colour that complements the skin colour is then applied. This is best applied using a brush for an even distribution. Sometimes two shades are applied for a classier look.

Application of lip gloss is the next step. This may be clear or a colour that matches the lip liner and lipstick. It helps to add sheen to the lips, making the colour stand out and also to set the lipstick so that it does not run. Lip gloss can be applied on its own without the lipstick for a more toned-down effect. Clear lip gloss is ideal for the effect of fuller lips. Keeping to such a routine of lip care and make-up for the married keeps the lips kissable throughout, which is a plus for any marriage.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Essentials of a Gentleman’s Manicure

It is not uncommon to see men with well kept nails in recent years. This is because they are realizing the importance of taking care of themselves and their grooming routines are now including having manicures. Shaking hands is inevitable and a good impression does not just include a firm handshake. Soft hands and clean nails go a long way in impressing a stranger, a prospective boss or even a date. A groom preparing to get married will find that such care of his hands will add confidence and complete his attire on the wedding day. The bride will also appreciate a man with soft hand and well kept nails as she looks forward for his caresses as they begin their marriage.

Well kept hands can be achieved from the luxurious manicure at a beauty salon which has to be supplemented with regular/daily care. Men who use their hands for heavy duty work are bound to develop calluses. These can be easily removed by gently scrubbing the area with a pumice stone.  Care should be taken so that excessive skin is not removed as this may be painful, however as much of the build-up as possible must be removed. One step that is necessary whether one is getting married or not is exfoliating the hands. This can be done at home using sugar and a moisturizer. This is rubbed gently on the hands and rinsed off with clean water. A moisturizer is then applied to further soften the hands and to seal in the moisture.

Cuticles should be taken care of to avoid painful tears. These should be pushed back slightly using a special stick after the application of a cuticle softener. This process also gives the nails a nice oval shape. Buffering is a process of gently rubbing the top of the nail to give it a shine. This is done using a buffer stick which is available at stores selling beauty products. The effect is not as pronounced as using clear nail polish but it lasts longer without the chipping too. Men’s nails should be kept short and even. Using a good quality and sharp clipper will do this easily at home. A nail file is used on the edges to even them out. Even short nails have to be cleaned under the edges as dirt can still lodge there and become unsightly and unhygienic. A nail brush used daily will ensure that the nails are clean always.

Lemon with its disinfecting and cleaning properties can be used on the hands by cutting it into half and twisting the hand in it. It cleans both the nails and the cuticles and leaves a fragrantly fresh scent. A gentleman’s manicure weekly, does not reduce masculinity in any way but actually boosts it in these times when it pays to look good. An upcoming wedding may be incentive enough to step up home care for nails and hands for the groom but the routine should be continued throughout the marriage.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Planning a Romantic Easter Getaway

The Easter weekend presents a great opportunity for a holiday getaway and for the married couple it could be the wonderful opportunity for a second honeymoon. This season is also characterized by weddings and the honeymoon taken at this time is quite memorable indeed. There are quite a number of Easter getaway destinations; it all depends on the couple’s choice of relaxation venue. The choice may be between places that have a marked Easter culture where this holiday is commemorated with pomp to quite toned-down locations that offer relaxing holidays. A first honeymoon destination may be an island or tropical location where the couple can enjoy their early marriage days in colourful places that actually specialize in this. Such locations may include islands like Hawaii, Seychelles or Zanzibar. This works for a second honeymoon too where the couple may get to enjoy a similar experience as their first honeymoon or a totally new one.

A religious married couple may opt to visit historical sites such as Israel or Greece which celebrate Passover or Easter on a whole new dimension. Such destinations offer a variety of activities in commemorating this feast, such as fireworks displays and parades around the cities. The couple is bound to catch an enactment of the days leading to the biblical Passover as well as the real sites that this happened, such as the Via Delarosa in Israel. Such an experience is quite moving for the religious and may kindle spiritual feelings for the not so religious. Apart from the spiritual bit, culturally these sites are rich in their practices which they have preserved for years. Some of the biblical sites are intact with most of the features remaining untouched, save the necessary upkeep. They also provide a perfect location for the wedding of a lifetime with the picturesque landscape.

For varied reasons, some couples may not be able to get away for a very long period of time and may have to find a location locally for the weekend only. In such a case they should shop for a quiet serene atmosphere such as a villa or cabin close to home so that they are not inconvenienced. The beauty of not travelling far is that the couple gets to spend more time together. In some cases it is not the beauty of the location but the quality time spent together that matters. Such a getaway allows the couple to bond on a whole new level which puts the spark back into their marriage.

The adventurous couple may opt to go for a cruise by taking advantage of the numerous offers available at this time for such holidays. These may be a bit pricey, but the magic of being out in the sea is always captivating. Luxury cruise ships have exciting activities for their guests on Easter holidays which include romantic dinners for couples on honeymoon or celebrating their anniversary. Special buffet dinners are also served which include all the traditional Easter delicacies like ham and potatoes.