Thursday, January 13, 2011

Married With style

After marriage, many people will often get tempted to relax where fashion is concerned. However, studies have shown that married couples are constantly looking for ways to better themselves and keep up with new trends and fashion. Although some people never get rid of their styles from singlehood, there is a way that they can help enhance the look of a married man or woman. It is about creating the best out of their status and keeping young and lively. Therefore, getting married is not a license to be dull. The following are tops elements of fashion to consider.

First, couples need to be smart and presentable. Additionally, they should have a sexy edge to their attire. This is to keep their partner excited at all times. However, there is a thin line when it comes to pleasing a partner and the rest of the world. Therefore, fashion experts will advise married women especially to practice some reservation compared to when they were single with their outfits. This will help keep out unwanted attention which can often lead to marriage breakage. Keeping this in mind, a woman must feel attractive and choosing conservative yet elegant clothes will do.

Shapely dresses that flatter and reveal less skin are ideal for married couples. When it comes to men, most people will not change a thing but graduation to more presentable attire can help. Executive looks are common with married men and when it comes to casual, trendy and fashionable is a good deal.  Finding a balance between elegant for the married status and edgy to keep the spark alive in marriage is what many should be striving towards. Keep eyes open on new trends and be the judge depending on personal taste and preferences.  There are no rules and whatever makes a couple comfortable can work wonders for them.

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